The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
92 lines
DC Show Hex v1.0
SHAREWARE Program by Keith Gerdes
Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software
Show Hex is a 100% assembly program that lets you view and search data in
a file or system memory. For ease of use, input is supported through both
the keyboard and the mouse. In addition, simple integration into the
DC Desktop environment is implemented.
* Getting started
To use from the GEM desktop:
Execute the program. An alert will query you to Run|Install|Quit.
Choosing Install without DC Desktop will Run the program. Once the
file selector appears, choose the file you wish to view.
Another option for DC Desktop 1.2 owners:
Place in the auto folder to auto install in the SHOW chain.
* Screen Display
Data is represented in a three column format: offset, hex value, and
ascii value.
1) Offset is the hex displacement in either the file or memory.
2) Hex value is the byte equivalent of the data. ( FF Hex = 256 Decimal )
3) Ascii value is the text equivalent of the data byte. ( 9 Ascii = 39 Hex )
* DC Desktop Owners
DC Show 1.2 scans the file to show and determines its contents- ascii
or binary data.
While viewing a text file you can toggle to Show Hex with [H].
A binary file is handed off to Show Hex with no toggling accepted.
Control+F2 calls it up when installed.
NOTE: Show Hex is fully supported only in version 1.2 of DC Desktop
with DC Show. There are no restrictions with the use of DC Pick
and/or DC Menu.
* User Input
[Function - Press]
Exit - Q, Undo, Esc, or both mouse buttons
DC Show - A (go back to DC Show if text file)
Next $100 - D, shift down arrow, or left mouse button
$10 - down arrow
$1 - left arrow
Back $100 - U, shift up arrow, or right mouse button
$10 - up arrow
$1 - right arrow
Top - T
File: Top of file | Memory: Origin
Bottom - B
File: End-$100 | Memory: Memory block end-$100
Set offset - O (hex value)
or origin File - offset
Memory - origin
(precede with an * to act like a ptr)
(ie Origin $*4f2 sets origin to base of OS)
Toggle - keypad * toggles display of file or memory
Search - S,G
Next match - N
In memory mode, set origin to:
$00000000 - F1 ( base of ram )
$00FA0000 - F2 ( base of cartridge )
$00XX0000 - F3 ( base of OS- XX= $FC=[1.0-1.4], $E0=[1.6,3.x] {$*4f2} )
$00000400 - F4 ( system variables )
$???????? - F5 ( cookie jar location {$*5a0} )
$???????? - F6 ( screen location {$*44e} )
$???????? - F7 ( Line-A variables )
$01000000 - F8 ( TT fast RAM )
[Note: Some memory locations may not apply to your system.]
* Contacting us
We solicit all comments and suggestions to help advance the usefullness
of this and all our software.
On Genie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30)
Compuserve: 75300,577 (GO ATARIVEND | Area 13)
Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu
BBS: 713-944-0108
Thank you for taking the time to read this file. This program is released
as a SHAREWARE program. As such, a $5 donation is requested if you utilize
this useful utility.
Double Click Software
PO Box 741206
Houston, Tx 77274